8 Temmuz 2011

La La Laaa...=)) Rihannaaaaaaa....=))

Ahh Rihanna'nin fotoshopsuz hali nicedir...=)) Bir De vucuduna gore giyinmesini ogrense.. herkez icin en iyi olucak, cevre kirliligi olmicaal...=)) yaa gencler ip gibi vucudlara sahip olmak icin yarismayin demek boyle de GUZEL olunuyormuus...=))

Rihannas Position without fotoshop...=)) Aii i woild like to say plss wear something that will not put u in this position like blaaak..=)) so dear teenagers this is the real Rihanna....=)) so dont run  to have a body like rope...=))

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