21 Ocak 2012

Have A Wonderful Weekend

 Let start with this great wish, wish u all have a wonderful weekend..<3

Bu guzel mesaj ile baslayalim, herkeze guzel haftasonlari diliyorum...=))

Let this weekend just sleep...=))

Bu haftasonu misil misil uyuyun..=))

Let spend hours makeing a great bath...=))

Saatlerce guzeel bir kuvet keyfi yapin...=))

That take ur kitty and make a great breakfast...=))

Sonra Kediciginizi alip guzeeel bir kahvalti yapin...=))

Just take the phone and LOL and talk about hours with those u love...=))

Sonra telefonu alin ve kahkalar ile harika saatler gecirin sevdiklerinizle konusarak...=))

That just take a cup of coffe and watch the snow out side..<3

Sonra da bir fincan kahve ile disarda duran o guzelim karli manzarayi seyredin...=))

Go n have a nap in the great place of u house...=))

Evinizin en guzel manzarasinda guzelce bir dinlenin...<3

Don't even think "its cold, so i cant dring a cold drink" it weekend make even what u want...=))

Sakin ola "havalar soguk, soguk bir icecek icemem" diye dusunmeyin hafta sonu bu her sey yapabilirsiniz...=))

Have a good time with ur L<3VE..=)

A$KINIZLA harika vakit gecirin...=))

If the weather is good take ur bike and yuhuuuuu...=))

Eger hava guzelse bisikletinizi alin ve yuhuuuuu ucun...=))

Eat cake..<3

Pasta Yigin..=))

Like allwas be beautyfull..=))

Her zaman ki gibi guzel olun..=))

Even if u don't know knit...=)

Beceremeseniz de orgu orun...=))

Enjoy Your Weekend...<3



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