23 Nisan 2012

New Week II

Selam herkezee, evet biliyorum uzuun zaman bunu yapamiyorum ama kac haftadir ablam kardeslerim bendeydi ve ondan yazamadim, ve suprizlerim var yakinda blogda olucak =))<3

Hi everyone, i kno i coudent write here but i have some exuse, it will be write all in here soon =))

Uzun zamandir cantami tanitmak istedim ama kismet simdiyeymis Turkiye'den hediye geldi, ve birbirimizi o kadar sevdik ki birakamiyoruz =))

I looove my bag i got it from Turkey its a gift to me =)) thnx 

 Alisveris yaptim ama ev icin, utreki resimde poset kapatmak icin ise yariyor, genelde kako kapatmaya kulaniyoum taze kaliyor boylelikle, ikincisi ise bir kalemlik disi sizi ici beni mest etti =))

A had shopping for my house and i got some of them there that is about to clode the open tea bag and similar =)) the second is my love that is for the pencils i loved the color and the inside the flowers..=))

Tatlilar ile dolu bir kac hafta gecirdim, yukaridaki tavsan cikolatanin hastasiyim, asadakiler ise Makedonya ve Fransa'nin macaroonlari arasinda ki farki bulun =))

I had a sweet weeks so i love the bunny there =)) and let us find the difference between the 2 macaroons there =)


Annemde otururken mutfakta aniden kirilan bardak korkutu =S

This glass was broken on it own, how? i dont know =S

Bol bol cizdim =))

I had design =))

Pizza aski hic bitmez...=))

Pizza Love =))

Kahve keyfi ister yanliz ister birisi olsun ama Ablam'la bir baskadir =))

Coffe love sometimes alone sometime with my Sister it was great =))

Bu da benim bir kac haftalarimdandi, sizi seviyorumm ve tatli harika bir hafta diliyorum <3

So that was my week, hey u all have a nice sweet week Love U ALL <3



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